Thanks to all who attended our Ray White Toowoomba Careers Night at The Chronicle yesterday.
It was great to see so many people interested in what the Real Estate Industry can offer in regards to your career.
Andrew Carter began the evening with an informative session on the Ray White Group and our business.
Our guest speaker, Peter Ford from Complete Property Training, shared his knowledge of the industry and spoke in detail about licencing requirements plus the different career paths and types of employment available in the industry.
To finish up the evening Lindsay Southwell spoke with two of our successful sales people, Anne Pohlner & Wade Lockrey, along with our Property Management Executive, Sandra Hurn, about their experiences and how the Real Estate Industry can be a positive path to take on your road to success.
If you were unable to attend our Careers Night but feel that Real Estate is your calling – please get in touch. Click here for more information.